shining, shimmering, splendid
aka The Pancake
Head Writer & Instagrammer.
Copywriter by day.
aka The Scallion
Chief Photographer & Tech Support.
CPA by trade.
aka Sammy, aka Sambeau, aka little Tuna, aka Sam Bam Bing Bong
On December 17, 2021 we welcomed Sammy into the world. He’s already eaten bison and loves Trader Joe’s Ranch seasoning.
aka Jeff, aka Jeffy, aka Geoff, aka Poo Poo Jeffy, aka El Malo
We got Jeff in 2023. It’s undecided if he’s a monster. We believe his mother was a princess and his dad was a waiter at Olive Garden and it was a forbidden love, but, as it always does, love found a way.
aka Franklin, aka Frank, aka Uptown Frankie
Elegant, refined, crotchety.
Working on his second doctoral degree in Germanic Literature.
Partially blind and mostly deaf, but still alive in the mind.
Frankie passed over the rainbow bridge in 2021
aka Olive, aka Ollie, aka Backseat Ollie
Enjoys licking humans, surfaces, and the air.
2% dog, 98% other.
Chief passion and reason to live: bananas.
Ollie passed over the rainbow bridge in 2022
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